Empowerment Women & Widows

Over the past decade, gender equality has been recognized as crucial not only to the health of nations but also to their social and economic development. The promotion of gender equality and empowerment of women is a key aspect of UNDP’s Sustainable Development Goals. While showing improvement from previous years, India still ranks 136 in 145 countries as per the Global Gender Gap Index Report 2022. A community, society, and country prosper when its women and girls are empowered. Giving women and girls the liberty and opportunity to have an education, be self-sufficient and financially independent, get the right healthcare, and have a say in decision-making at home and outside the home is beneficial for society. Even as we are witnessing women rising to the topmost political, bureaucratic, banking, and corporate positions, gender bias still prevents girls and women from rising to their highest potential.

Suryachandra foundation launched its women empowerment programme to reach out to marginalised and socially-excluded women and adolescent girls. The aim since then has been to capacitate them through innovative community practices, support them in education and livelihood, development of life skills, empower them to seek healthcare and bring sustainable changes in the community, and also engage men and boys in creating a gender-equal society. Our Foundation aim has been to address the concern through a simple but effective approach involving the community. Through innovative community practices, the programme seeks to make the marginalised and socially-excluded women and adolescent girls realise their inner strength and individual and collective self-esteem. The programme aims to enhance their access to basic healthcare, nutrition, and knowledge about the different government schemes and bring an overall improvement in the quality of their lives. Potential women entrepreneurs are identified and supported with dedicated programmes to build an ecosystem for them to progress and excel.

More Activities from Suryachandra foundation

Rural Development

Providing quality education for underprivileged rural children, a unique approach to education through innovative programs and technology.


India has made great strides in improving access to quality education, increasing elementary school enrollment, and reducing the number of out-of-school children.

Urban Development

Our activities focus attention on the need for public and community involvement in order to improve the urban environment.